Principles of computer-controlled linear motion applied to an open-source affordable liquid handler for automated micropipetting

Principles of computer-controlled linear motion applied to an open-source affordable liquid handler for automated micropipetting

OTTO is an open source automated liquid manual that can be manufactured at a cost of $ 1,500 using 3D printable and 3D printable parts as an alternative to commercial devices. Open source approaches have been applied to build syringe pumps, centrifuges and other laboratory equipment. These devices are affordable, but usually depend on a single engine to perform simple operations and therefore do not completely use the potential of the manufacturer’s movement.

Linear actuators and open linear microcontrores make it possible to manufacture more complex laboratory instruments that rely on 3D positioning and precise fluid dispensation, such as automated liquid failures. These instruments can be constructed quickly and affordable, providing access to a highly reproducible sample preparation for common biological tests such as QPCR.

We applied the principles of speed and accuracy design, assistless automation and open-source components for building an automated liquid manager that controls the micropipetic of liquids in a 3D space at speeds and Position resolutions required for QPCR. In comparative analysis studies, OTTO showed precision and sample preparation deadlines comparable to the QPCR manual. The ability to control the linear movement and liquid distribution using hard-off and 3D printable parts can facilitate the adoption of open source automated liquid failures for QPCR, bioplotting and other regulatory applications.

Working flow mapping: a study of probes Q pre-analytic test processes

The workflow mapping is a tool used to characterize operational processes in most industries and identify non-value-added activities. To develop a set of workflow mapping tools to compare the sequence and calendar of activities, including the standards, used by clinical laboratories to treat specimens during the preanalytic test phase. Laboratories enrolled in this College of American Pathologists Studes have created workflow cards detailing the steps they used to process specimens from the time of arrival of the laboratory sample until the time of delivery Samples to chemistry analyzers.

The registrants recorded the sequence and types of steps involved in the processing of samples and the time required to complete each step. Total Institution of Total Treatment of Samples (SPTS) and the number of steps required to prepare various samples largely between institutions. Stages of waiting, that is to say stages requiring waiting samples before progressing towards the next process step and the centrifugation of specimens consumed the largest amount of treatment time for routine tests and statistics. Routine tests and SPTS statistics were shorter in institutions that used rapid centrifuges to prepare samples.

Specimen process requiring more samples of pending steps and computer entry stages had a total total total period than those with fewer steps. The processing times for aggregated samples can be shortened by reducing the number of steps involving pending and computer entry sampling activities. Rapid centrifugation is likely to reduce overall institutional SNTS.

Principles of computer-controlled linear motion applied to an open-source affordable liquid handler for automated micropipetting

Obtaining bacteriocins from bacteria bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 strain by original methods

In recent years, bacteriocins were at the center of scientific discussions. Nowadays, it is considered that these biologically active substances could be adequate replacement of conventional synthetic antibiotics. They play an important role in the syntheses of various antimicrobial issues, such as disinfectants, pesticides, bacteriophages, etc. Being a product of the vital activity of bacteria, in nature, these substances protect bacteria from competitor bacteria. According to many scientific studies, they demonstrate bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects in vivo and in vitro. In addition, they are safer for a macroorganism and the environment and have almost no side effects. Bacteriacins do not cause the awareness and removal of immunity either. Due to their antibacterial effect, bacteriocins are already used in therapy (colibacterine, bifidumbactterine), veterinary medicine (Nisin), Food industry (Lactobacillus bacteriocins) and agriculture (phytolavine).

Since only a few secret bacteria bacteria, the list of producing bacteria is relatively short. It has been established that bacteria of the genus Bacillus, in particular, bacillus subtilis, possess such safety indicators and cultural properties for the use of it for the synthesis of bacteriocins. In this regard, this study was devoted to the survey of the antimicrobial properties of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 as a potential source of new drugs. Especially for the determination of antibacterial effects, the author has developed two original methods.

The strain indicated ATCC6633 was co-cultivated with five gram-negative bacteria and five positive grams and that antagonism was detected. In experiments, Bacillus subtilis inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactia and Enterococcus fecalis. In subsequent study, few attempts to obtain the ATCC 6633 antimicrobial agent have been successfully completed. Examination of the methods of synthesis of bacteriocin used in different laboratories showing that most of these methods are not suitable for industrial production.

The main objective of subsequent experiments was the development of a simple and easy way to produce bacteriocins that will not require significant financial investments, sophisticated equipment and the creation of special conditions. By using simple laboratory procedures such as bacteriological culture, centrifuge, trembling on precipitation and precipitation, we have obtained an antibacterial agent based on the strain of bacteria bacteria subtilis ATCC 6633.

Gabriel Gonzalez

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